Classic Sterne top restored.
Restoration means for the Mercedes-Benz Classic Centre ROSIER Classic Sterne, to keep the unique character of the car.
Thus, we live by the rule: Preserving before replacing. Our claim is mirrored in the qualification of Mercedes-Benz Young- and Oldtimers as ‘Classic Stars’. Each of our Classic Stars undergoes a full Check, before being individually restored. The competence of classical and contemporary automobile know-how is united in the team of our Mercedes-Benz Classic Centre ROSIER ‘Classic Sterne’.
Your contact partners in sales
No matter if completely restored or cautiously processed, we attach high value to the function of the technology. Even when almost untouched, original Classic Cars, we check the respective components and mend them, if necessary, so that you can enjoy the driving carefree.
You receive a Classic-Guarantee of a full year on our delivered cars. In matters of optic, you can choose between caringly processed Oldtimer with the charm of past decades, and the then existing delivery status, that we can reestablish in a complete professional restoration.
Depending on whether you search for an Oldtimer with patina or opt for a completely restored car, we offer choice and competence for you to realise your dream.
How to reach us
ROSIER Classic Sterne GmbH
Authorised Mercedes-Benz ClassicPartner
Authorised Mercedes-Benz ServicePartner
PO BOX: 9024
26138 Oldenburg
Showroom and workshop:
Bremer Heerstraße 267
26135 Oldenburg
Phone: +49 (0) 441 209 780 -10
Fax: +49 (0) 441 209 780 -29
Opening times
Monday - Friday: 08.00 – 18.00 h
Saturday: 09.00 – 12.00 h
No sales or consultancy outside normal store-opening hours